
這是我早上上班看澳洲MSN新聞瞄到無意間測的,結果在最下面,我的結論是,S娶到我真是他三輩子修來的福!!我的「維持率」大該跟卡車一樣低(low maintenance),隨便(whatever)養隨便活,名牌包包服飾保養品化妝品有很好,沒有也死不了,我的好友們大都被我驚嚇過(尤其是Wendy跟趙強森),因為看到私下隨性的我實在差很多,不過對我來說,why bother?如果不是公眾場合,我到樂得當輕鬆自在的歐巴桑。


 Are you high maintenance?

Sure, every girl deserves to be pampered, but are you the demanding diva type or do you just know what you want? Take our quiz to find out.

1.  When I'm getting dressed for a night out, I hardly ever wear the first outfit I put on …
a) Too true!
b) Nah, I usually plan my outfit and stick to it
c) It depends. Sometimes I get a last minute idea or borrow something from a friend.
2.  Paying someone to clean my room sounds like …
a) Heaven
b) A bad idea. What if they move or lose my stuff?!
c) An awesome idea around exam time.
3.  When it comes to phone calls from my boyfriend …
a) I expect at least a few a day and major attention on msn at night
b) Whatever. If he's into me, he'll call. If he doesn't, it's his loss
c) Getting a phone call everyday is nice, but less is fine as long as we get to see each other every few days.
4.  I can't leave my house for a night out unless I have …
a) Completed my three hour beauty ritual
b) My keys in my pocket. That's about all I need
c) Told my parents when I'll be home and taken an accessory off, I usually go a bit OTT in the excitement.
5.  What proportion of your wardrobe is made up of designer labels?
a) Over half
b) Zilch. I don't have the cash to spend on exxy clothes
c) I have a few expensive things for special occasions
6.   Would you ever leave the house without make-up and your hair done?
a) Never!
b) Yes, why would I wear make-up to buy milk?
c) Yes, I might brush my hair and tie it up so I don’t look like a complete dag.

7.   When I get a birthday gift from someone I expect it to be …
a) Expensive
b) Fun. It doesn't matter what it is, it’s the thought that counts
c) Something cool, that I like or I can actually use.
8.  How often have you bought something to be one-up on your mates?
a) All the time. I like having stuff before everyone else
b) Never. I don't compete with my mates
c) Often my mates and I buy the same things without even knowing! We’re really close and just laugh about it.


Are you high maintenance?


You couldn't care less. That's not necessarily a good thing though. So you're not an over-controlling demanding diva, but being so aloof with no opinion can be just as frustrating. Wearing a bit of lip gloss while knowing what you want and how to get it doesn't make you bossy. Practise being assertive and experiment with a lipstick or two, you'll look hot!

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