目前分類:鍾溫蒂的感情世界 (7)
- Jan 28 Sun 2007 20:36
To join or not to join? (W)
- Oct 18 Wed 2006 16:05
聽妹妹的話 (W)
- Sep 20 Wed 2006 18:24
千里之外 (W)
他問說:老公呢?天啊,居然沒看到我之前寫的信?害我還要尷尬的再解釋一次當時的temporary insanity。你呢?...我剛交一個新的女朋友。強忍住心中閃過的失落,強顏歡笑的祝福他。兩人互相交代過這幾年的近況後,我決定今天一定要把藏在心中多年的話一次講清楚。
- Aug 05 Sat 2006 15:39
每個人心中都有一座斷背山 (W)
- Aug 02 Wed 2006 09:18
庸人自擾 (W)
- Jul 31 Mon 2006 23:54
Memories & Confessions (W)
Wendy's response to R (in her head):
I agree, that's a totally lame excuse, it ranks up there with "I love you so I have to leave you" as the world's lamest excuses, and you have been an absolutely rotten friend. Aside from my private feelings for you, I've always considered you a good friend. Has it never occurred to you that I won't be worried that you're dead or hurt when there's been no news from you for months or even a year at a time? I could sense that you wanted to keep your space, for whatever fucking reason, so I tried to respect that and only dropped a line or two every half year or so, just to reassure myself that you are still in this world. I mean, even if you were married with 3 kids, I'd have liked to know and been able to give you my congratulations.
When I got your latest message, I was just thinking about how I should compose my reply to you. I have to admit, I was more happy than I should be (but I'm not in my right mind lately and have been behaving totally out of character). One of the things I liked best about you was your absolute honesty and total open-mindedness. Since we are now in a sentimental and sharing mood, let's make a deal: I'll forgive you if you'll do the same for me. I meant every word I wrote in my last message, and even though the feelings have faded with time, you will always have a very special place in my heart (more then you deserve!).
Ok, this is very painful for me but I want to be honest so don't kill me! I was pissed that you didn't answer my first message, so (here I plead temporary insanity or alien brainwashing and/or mad-cow disease...) I did what I knew would get a response from you... Anyway, it was totally embarassing and I didn't know how to take my words back... I honestly thought "OK this is the end of it" so what the hell, since I was too mortified to ever face you again, I might as well go ahead and tell you what I always lacked the courage to say. I really didn't expect to hear back from you, and I was so embarassed I couldn't make myself read what you wrote. >__
Anyway, after all the nice things I said about you, would you consider not killing me???
- Jul 31 Mon 2006 16:44
[兒童不宜] I'm a FUCKING idiot! (W)
God, I can't believe what's fucking wrong with me! (Will I be censored on Wretch for using the F-word? Don't really fucking care right now…)
Perhaps it's the strain of the fucking Chinese Valentine's Day (CVD) plus many other cumulative reasons, I did the MOST FUCKING STUPID THING EVER last weekend. Here's the thing: there's this guy who's like my personal Mr. Big. Even though it's been over 3 years since we last met, I still think about him from time to time. We barely keep in touch now, but I still drop him a line every half-year to check whether he's still alive (and also whether he's married with kids already… Sick, I know…)