不過還是有點捨不得原本的長髮... 這兩天一直給自己心理建設:沒關係,頭髮再留就長長啦。
上個月跟幾個慢跑同好(其實就是我、J跟太力)有一天上班時打混在MSN開聊天室,談到最近的運動心得,太力就提議一起報名11/12 Terry Fox Run跟12/17的ING國際馬拉松。幾個女人興沖沖的馬上上網報名,我跟J還特地為此加入了中國民國路跑協會喔。(Me?! A member of the Chinese Taipei Road Running Association!)
這也是為何我最近會比較認真的開始跑步鍛鍊的原因,雖然Terry Fox全程只有5公里,ING也僅報名了9公里組,但是當天總不希望自己是氣喘噓噓的最後一個爬到終點吧。
ING馬拉松宣傳做得好,之前的MSN暱稱用「大家,12/17有空嗎?」一看知道是什麼意思啦。不過大家可能對Terry Fox比較沒有那麼熟悉,以下是擷取他們網站上的簡單介紹。http://www.terryfoxrun.org.tw/
~Do not attempt unless massive hangover is desired
Gosh, I'm getting too old for this shit. Spending the night puking your guts out at the Cashbox ladies room is NOT my idea of a good fun Saturday night. My lower jaw and collarbone are still hurting from hanging my head against the toilet seat for at least 1.5 hours; the remnants of the killer headache I was sporting yesterday is still lurking at the back of my head; and the urge to run to the nearest bathroom is not over yet while I'm having my morning cup of coffee (and the time now is Monday morning).
The only consolation I can derive from this horrendous experience is that my cream suede heels are miraculously free from any stains after spending the night with me sprawled on the bathroom floor. And as I was throwing up the entire contents of my stomach, my one conscious thought was: at least I don't have to go to the gym tomorrow since none of the calories imbibed tonight has been absorbed into my body. Sick, I know (in more sense than one).
Due to popular demand,我來幫塔羅牌老師做個小小宣傳好了。
占卜師 子鳴
專長:塔羅占卜 靈數分析 星盤解讀 命理教學
地點:台北市雲和街51號隔壁(就在Maryjane Pizza正隔壁,不要跑錯)
先說明一下,子鳴是位男士,完全不符合一般人對塔羅牌老師的刻板印象(就是留著飄逸捲髮綁個頭巾穿長裙的吉普賽風女郎)。 第一眼印象是個怪怪工程師(在此先聲明,絕非對廣大工程師同胞有任何不敬之意),穿著白襯衫黑西裝褲。 之前已經說過,他講話非常直接所以先要有心理準備,但是他人非常好,你若是對他的解釋有任何不清楚的地方都可以打破沙鍋問到底。 不過你只要聽到他說:根據我合理推論...心理就要準備好接下來就會口出驚人之語。 Don't say I didn't warn you...