Dear T,
像我之前說的,我真的很討厭道離別,因為我是那種會哭得西哩嘩拉的人。想起來其實很好笑,因為在你遠赴澳洲的這近兩年中,我們幾乎每天都在MSN上聊天,加上透過blog的文章分享對話,對彼此生活中發生的大小事大概都瞭若指掌。但這畢竟比不上可以兩個人手挽著手走在台北街頭大聲談笑,一起吃飯聊天講八卦,一起逛街喝下午茶來得痛快。跟你在一起時,彷彿就回到我們大學時無憂無慮的美好時光。(Shit, I'm sniffling already ...)
我想這就是長大必經的路吧。妳、Cathy、趙君朔三個我大學最好的朋友都在國外定居了,雖然現在身邊有一票好朋友好姊妹,但是你們對我的意義是不同的。You guys are the ones who knew the "real" me, before I was "tainted" by the grown-up world. But naturally there's also a flip side, since you also knew the less-mature version of me!
我完全能體會妳現在的身分已經不同了,不僅為人妻,還要扮演女兒、媳婦、姪女、姊姊、小姑(妳是S妹妹的小姑嗎?還是她才是你的小姑?歹勢,沒在台灣上過公民課,but anyway…)等等不同的角色。I can also imagine, being you, you would do your best to try and satisfy everyone, putting their needs before yours. In fact, it is proof of how much you have matured in the last few years. This is another price to pay for growing up, we have to learn that the universe does not revolve around us, we have duties and responsibilities to fulfill that don't always coincide with our wants and needs.
我答應妳,我會好好照顧自己,好好的玩,不要老是亂花錢,今年起有年假了,墨爾本絶對是我出國旅行的首選!(我還以為妳已經忙昏頭,忘記了對我的承諾。But I'd prefer if you do it the other way around.)
You also have to promise me, that you will retain your independent spirit, try not to overwhelm yourself when life gets hectic, look before you leap (or before you get on the MRT/bus/train) and most important of all, try not to cry too much after you finish reading. Teary eyes and sniffling nose are not a good look. Oh, I forgot, one other thing: even after marriage, you should dress up once in a while! You are so pretty, so give S a treat every now and then by not wearing contacts and putting your hair down. That's one advice that I have full authority on as a single gal!